Suggestions: "Case studies", "Available funding", "Solar power and renewables"

Case Studies

Case Studies

Central Queensland Irrigators

Energy Savings: 12%   |   Cost Savings: $1,253   |   Capital Cost: $15,000   |   CO2 Savings: 1.2   |   Project Status: proposed

Industry: Beef, Grains and fodder
Location: Fitzroy
Pump Type: Submersible
Irrigation Type: Not applicable
Technology: Irrigation and Pumps, Solar Power and Renewables, Batteries and Storage

The auditor compared two options for powering a stock watering pump. The pump provides water from a dam to a system of 5 holding tanks which then gravity feed to a network of watering troughs. Stock water is pumped to a header tank by a 1kW single-phase grid connected pump running up to 24 hours per day. It pumps approximately 3m3/hr with an estimated total system head of 42 metres.

The Audit has made a comparison of the costs and savings of solar pumping which include the following two options:

  • 2kW Solar System too offset grid power consumption during the day
    • Installed with battery-ready inverter
  • 6kW Solar System with 20kWh battery storage and disconnect the system from the network
    • Producing 10,913 kWh per year
    • Loss of load probability of 2% per year.
Solution 2kW Solar System 6kW Solar system with 20kWh battery
Annual Energy Saving (kWh) 871 1,306
Estimated Cost to Implement ($) 3,500 15,000
Annual Cost Savings ($) 430 1,253
Payback (years) 8.1 19
Annual Emission Reductions (t CO2-e) 0.8 1.21

The audit shows that the retrofit options have a long payback period, but when replacing a worn or damaged system, or building a new system, grid-connected solar systems may be financially viable. Off-grid battery-supported systems may prove viable as batteries reduce in costs, or where there are other matters that add value to the system, such as systems with unstable grid connections. This solution can save up to 12% of the site total electricity use, covering all the energy consumed from pumping.

This case study concentrates on the one irrigation system although the energy audit showed additional savings that could be made onsite including.

  • LED Lighting Upgrade
  • Installing a 6kW Solar System at the farmhouse with a payback period of 4.9 years.

An energy audit is a good investment

An energy audit is a great way for a business to cut costs and boost productivity. 

The Energy Savers Plus Extension Program was delivered by the Queensland Farmers' Federation with support and funding from the Queensland Department of Energy and Public Works.


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