Suggestions: "Case studies", "Available funding", "Solar power and renewables"


The aquaculture industry in Queensland


The total value of the Queensland aquaculture industry reached a new record high of $224.7 million in 2021–22. The most valuable sectors of the Queensland aquaculture industry continue to be prawn and barramundi respectively.

Top energy efficiencies for the aquaculture industry.

Installation of variable speed drive (VSD) motors.

Installing power factor correction (PFC) equipment.

Improving pond aeration control (paddle wheel) using Dissolved Oxygen (DO) sensors.

Installing solar PV systems.

Hatchery tank considerations may include - solar covers over hatchery ponds, covers over heated tanks in the hatchery, water recycling and heat recovery, additional power factor correction.

Explore aquaculture case studies

Explore aquaculture related resources



Queensland Renewable Energy Landholder Toolkit

The Queensland Renewable Energy Landholder Toolkit to assist and inform landholders as they respond to and negotiate with energy industry representatives about accessing land and developing renewable energy projects.

Dairy Horticulture Poultry Nursery and garden Pork Grains and fodder Eggs Cotton Sugarcane Beef Aquaculture Atherton Tablelands Border Rivers Cape York Peninsula Central West Darling Downs Dry Tropics South-West Southern Downs Torres Strait Wet Tropics Wide Bay Burnett Fitzroy Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday Maranoa-Balonne North West South-East Not applicable Boom Centre Pivot Drip Flood Hydroponic Micro irrigation Solid set Travelling gun Not applicable Irrigation and Pumps Refrigeration Heating Air Conditioning Lighting Motors and Fans Gas Biogas Demand Management Diesel Power Factor Correction Tariffs Solar Power and Renewables Batteries and Storage Real time Metering Variable Speed Drives

Electricity Price Changes 24 25


Electricity Price Changes in Regional Queensland 2024-25 Fact Sheet

By July each year, the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) sets the electricity prices that are passed onto residential and business addresses in regional Queensland. It is important for farmers to be aware of their energy usage and the tariff.

Aquaculture Beef Cotton Dairy Eggs Grains and fodder Horticulture Nursery and garden Pork Poultry Sugarcane Atherton Tablelands Border Rivers Cape York Peninsula Central West Darling Downs Dry Tropics Fitzroy Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday Maranoa-Balonne North West South-East South-West Southern Downs Torres Strait Wet Tropics Wide Bay Burnett Queensland Not applicable Not applicable Tariffs


Financing your energy projects

Once you’ve identified energy savings or renewable energy opportunities for your farm, the next challenge is to find the funds or finance to make it happen.

There are a number of options to either reduce up-front costs or reduce the borrowing costs for the project. These can include new efficient pumps, motors, compressors, vehicles, lights, renewable energy systems and many other products.

Aquaculture Beef Cotton Dairy Eggs Grains and fodder Horticulture Nursery and garden Pork Poultry Sugarcane Atherton Tablelands Border Rivers Cape York Peninsula Central West Darling Downs Dry Tropics Fitzroy Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday Maranoa-Balonne North West Queensland South-East South-West Southern Downs Torres Strait Wet Tropics Wide Bay Burnett Not applicable Not applicable Irrigation and Pumps Refrigeration Heating Air Conditioning Lighting Motors and Fans Gas Biogas Demand Management Diesel Power Factor Correction Tariffs Solar Power and Renewables Batteries and Storage Real time Metering Variable Speed Drives