Suggestions: "Case studies", "Available funding", "Solar power and renewables"


to navigate the evolving energy landscape

Pump 5

Energy efficient irrigation

Industry: Dairy, Horticulture, Poultry, Nursery and garden, Pork, Grains and fodder, Eggs, Cotton, Sugarcane, Beef, Aquaculture
Location: Atherton Tablelands, Border Rivers, Cape York Peninsula, Central West, Darling Downs, Dry Tropics, Fitzroy, Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday, Maranoa-Balonne, North West, South-East, South-West, Southern Downs, Torres Strait, Wet Tropics, Wide Bay Burnett, Queensland
Pump Type: Booster, Bore, Centrifugal, Diesel Pump, Submersible, Turbine, Not applicable
Irrigation Type: Boom, Centre Pivot, Drip, Flood, Hydroponic, Micro irrigation, Solid set, Travelling gun
Technology: Irrigation and Pumps

With Irrigation making up a large proportion of on-farm energy for many sectors, there are often significant opportunities to save energy with improved irrigation systems.

Moving water around is energy-intensive so by saving water, farmers can also save energy. Many agricultural sectors have worked over recent years on Rural Water Use Efficiency Projects.

The Energy Savers Programs audited a number of irrigation systems and identified a number of energy efficiency savings. See the Irrigation Case Studies here.

Some key aspects to an efficient irrigation system are:

  1. Needs analysis, design and planning to balance water and energy efficiency objectives to deliver the right amount of water at the right time.
  2. Optimising equipment, so that the system delivers the best result for the energy inputs.
  3. Energy source – using the most cost effective and efficient energy source.

Irrigation Australia and WaterWise Queensland outline other key aspects to an efficient irrigation system which you can access here.

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Support opportunities for your farm.

A number of initiatives are available for Queensland farms and landholders wishing to find and adopt energy saving initiatives for their farm.

Learn more