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Case Studies

Case Studies

The Queensland Farmers’ Federation have completed a number of case studies with farms in Queensland to better understand energy saving and cost saving opportunities. Explore these case studies by using the filters below.

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Darling Downs

Darling Downs Piggery

The evaluation of a Darling Downs Piggery involved a review and analysis of the existing business operations and its current energy consumption.

The audit found extensive energy efficiency opportunities available through low-cost measures, as well as some more significant upgrades.

The site houses over 9,000 pigs over the full life cycle and operates all year long.
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Energy Savings 48% Cost Savings $57,460

Erol ahmed le Oh1 Cz RZVQ unsplash

Darling Downs

Pittsworth Egg Farm

An energy audit showed how improving the current systems can lead to energy and cost savings. The recommendations explored in the audit included replace ventilation fans, upgrade refrigeration plant, control system improvements as well as install a solar PV system.
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Energy Savings 29% Cost Savings $817,745

I Stock 83852839 XXLARGE Outback Australia Landscape

Atherton Tablelands Border Rivers, Cape York Peninsula, Central West, Darling Downs, Dry Tropics, Fitzroy, Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday, Maranoa-Balonne, North West, South-East, South-West, Southern Downs, Torres Strait, Wet Tropics, Wide Bay Burnett, Queensland,

All Energy Savers Plus Farms

This case study summarises the outcomes from audits conducted on all 180 Queensland farms in the Energy Savers Plus Program (ESPPE).
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Energy Savings 40% Cost Savings $2,817,342

Annie spratt n K Uk Tn H Mg48 unsplash

Darling Downs

Western Downs Feedlot

This case study summarises the outcomes from an audit conducted on a large feedlot with an energy consumption of 3,000,000 kWh at an annual cost of $350,000, resulting in emissions of 2,850 tCO2-e per year. Energy and emission savings have been estimated to be 21% and cost savings at around 26%.
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Energy Savings 21% Cost Savings $93,000

IMG 3635

Darling Downs

Cotton and Sorghum Farm

A 700ha cotton farm could benefit from a recent Energy Savers audit. The audit recommended the installation of two new 22kW pumps and four separate 20kW solar PV systems to improve energy efficiency on site.
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Energy Savings 10% Cost Savings $7,182

Dreamstime xl 11691167 min

Darling Downs

Dalby Cotton Farm

A 220ha irrigated cotton farm could save money and time by implementing recommendations from their Energy Savers Audit. The site produces some Corn, Barley, Wheat and Chickpeas. Three pumps lift water from the creek to three separate centre pivots consuming nearly 110,000 kWh at a cost of $23000. Four potential solar systems were compared with the best payback chosen to offset and reduce consumption below 100,000kWh. As consumption is just over 100MW p.a. both SAC small and large customer tariffs were considered, and a comprehensive analysis shown to minimise operating costs.
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Energy Savings 40% Cost Savings $45,953

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Darling Downs

Western Downs Grains Farm

The Audit recommended a number of small projects with quick payback as well as upgrading the lighting system and installing solar with batteries to reduce grid power use.
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Energy Savings 27% Cost Savings $3,615

Annie spratt n K Uk Tn H Mg48 unsplash

Darling Downs

Western Downs Cattle Farm

A beef and cattle farm located in the Darling Downs region has saved money and reduced energy consumption after implementing a recommendation from a recent Energy Savers Audit. The recommendation installed included a Solar PV system.
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Energy Savings 64% Cost Savings $6,724

Dreamstime xl 11691167 min

Darling Downs

Brookstead Cotton Farm

Two stages were removed from a seven-stage pump which reduced the flow rate but improved the combined efficiency by 25%. The pump demand has been reduced by 12kW and even with increased running time, running costs have reduced by $1,200 per year with a payback period under two years.
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Energy Savings 15% Cost Savings $1,194

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